Adakah kaedah longgokan paip tersedia yang sesuai untuk tanah lembut?


Penggunaan cerucuk paip dalam pembinaan asas telah menjadi pilihan popular selama bertahun-tahun. Buasir paip digunakan untuk memindahkan beban struktur ke lebih dalam, lapisan tanah atau batu yang lebih stabil. Namun begitu, dalam keadaan tanah lembut, Kaedah longgokan paip tradisional mungkin tidak sesuai kerana risiko gosok atau ubah bentuk. Dalam kertas kerja ini, Kami akan meneroka pelbagai kaedah longgokan paip yang tersedia yang sesuai untuk keadaan tanah lembut.


2.1 Kapasiti paksi
Sebelum membincangkan ujian beban longgokan sebenar yang dilakukan dan keputusan dan kesimpulan daripada mereka
Ujian, Kajian ringkas mengenai kapasiti longgokan secara amnya disediakan. Secara amnya, seperti yang dinyatakan sebelum ini, a
Longgokan di dalam tanah adalah berkesan sebagai penyelesaian asas yang mendalam kerana ia paling sering memindahkan beberapa
beban yang digunakan secara paksi ke tanah yang biasanya lebih dalam dan mengurangkan penyelesaian. Pemindahan beban ini adalah
fenomena yang berlaku kerana interaksi tanah dan longgokan dan tanah berhampiran pangkalan
daripada longgokan. Dalam erti kata lain, kapasiti paksi muktamad, Qu, bahawa longgokan boleh ada adalah penjumlahan
geseran kulit yang dibangunkan di antara sisi longgokan dan tanah, S, dan galas
kapasiti tanah di hujung longgokan, Qp (Das, 2004) sedemikian rupa sehingga
Qu  Qp  Qs ........................(Eq. 2.1)
Ini ditunjukkan dalam Rajah 2.1 untuk longgokan yang didorong ke dalam tanah jarak, L, dari permukaan dan
Menyimpulkan kuasa paksi.

Penerangan Produk

Nama Produk Paip / Tiub Keluli dikimpal Teknik Dikimpal
Panjang 5.8m-12m atau sebagai permintaan anda Toleransi Ketebalan dinding:Panjang ±0.05MM:±Diameter Luar 6mm:±0.3J
Ketebalan dinding 1mm-12mm atau sebagai permintaan anda Diameter luar 20mm-508mm atau sebagai permintaan anda
Standard API 5L ASTM A53-2007 ASTM A671-2006 ASTM A252-1998 ASTM A450-1996 ASME B36.10M-2004 ASTM A523-1996 BS 1387 BS EN10296 BS
6323 BS 6363 BS EN10219 GB/T 3091-2001 GB/T 13793-1992 GB/T9711
Gred SPCC SPCD SPCE ST12-15 DC01-06 Q195A-Q235A Q195AF-Q235AF Q295A(B)-S345A(B)
Paip Tamat Serong/Dilindungi oleh topi plastik pada kedua-dua hujungnya / Potong quare / Grooved / Threaded dan Gandingan dll. Permohonan Digunakan secara meluas dalam perabot,hiasan dalaman, saluran paip cecair, Industri petroleum dan gas asli, Penggerudian, Paip, Struktur
Sijil API/BIS/SABS/JIS/GS/ISO9001 Masa Penghantaran 15-21 Hari

1 Skematik menunjukkan longgokan biasa yang didorong ke dalam tanah dan daya
Terlibat dalam menentukan kapasiti longgokan.
Sebaik sahaja longgokan didorong dan disediakan dan beban yang mesti ditolak oleh longgokan meningkat, kapasiti beban di sepanjang aci dan di hujung digerakkan. Bahagian beban yang dibawa oleh
aci berbeza-beza sepanjang panjang longgokan sehingga maksimum berhampiran permukaan tanah dan
Curvilinearly berkurangan ke bahagian beban yang dibawa oleh hujung longgokan. Lymon Reese dan beliau
rakan sekerja menangkap penjelasan yang diterima umum ini dalam Rajah 2.2 (Reese et. Al, 2006).

Rintangan geseran unit di sepanjang aci, f, sebaliknya, adalah nisbah kapasiti beban unit di sepanjang aci, ΔQs, kepada produk perimeter longgokan, p, dan unit
panjang sepanjang aci, ΔL, sedemikian rupa sehingga
p L
Q f s
 
  ................................................................(Eq. 2.2)
This unit friction along the shaft varies such that it is zero near the ground surface, increases
curvilinearly to some maximum value near 65% of the depth of the pile from the ground surface
then curvilinearly decreases to some value greater than zero at the tip of the pile as shown in
Figure 2.3.

The phenomenon of the axially-applied load being transferred to the soil and hence the loadcarrying capacity of the pile is highly dependent on the method of installation (Reese et. Al,
2006). Though piles can be installed via boring and vibrating, the piles that this research will
focus on were installed via the common technique of driving. Other aspects that could affect the
load-transfer process are the material the piles are being driven into and the types of piles
themselves. Next, the types of soils and the manner in which axial pile capacities are developed
in each will be explained. Afterwards, the actual piles used at each pile load test site and their
theoretical capacities will be discussed.


Latar belakang

Pipe piles are typically made of steel or concrete and come in various shapes and sizes. They are commonly used in foundation construction to support structures such as buildings, jambatan, dan platform luar pesisir. Pipe piles are driven into the ground using a pile driver, yang memaksa cerucuk masuk ke dalam tanah sehingga mencapai kedalaman yang telah ditetapkan. Setelah longgokan berada di tempatnya, ia menyediakan asas yang kukuh dan stabil untuk struktur yang dibina.

In soft ground conditions, Kaedah longgokan paip tradisional mungkin tidak sesuai kerana risiko gosok atau ubah bentuk. Soft ground conditions are characterized by low soil strength, high compressibility, and high water content. These conditions can cause the pile to deform or buckle under the weight of the structure being built, which can compromise the stability of the foundation.

Pipe Pile Methods for Soft Ground

There are several pipe pile methods available that are appropriate for soft ground conditions. These methods are designed to minimize the risk of pile buckling or deformation and provide a strong and stable foundation for the structure being built.

Steel Pipe Piles with Helical Plates
Steel pipe piles with helical plates are a popular choice for soft ground conditions. These piles are made of steel and have helical plates attached to the pile shaft. The helical plates act as anchors, providing additional support and stability to the pile. The helical plates are typically installed at intervals along the pile shaft, with the distance between the plates determined by the soil conditions.

The installation process for steel pipe piles with helical plates is similar to traditional pipe piles. The pile is driven into the ground using a pile driver, and the helical plates are screwed into the soil as the pile is driven deeper. The helical plates provide additional support and stability to the pile, reducing the risk of pile buckling or deformation.

Steel Pipe Piles with Pre-Bored Holes
Steel pipe piles with pre-bored holes are another option for soft ground conditions. These piles are made of steel and have pre-bored holes along the pile shaft. The pre-bored holes are typically filled with grout or concrete, providing additional support and stability to the pile.

The installation process for steel pipe piles with pre-bored holes is similar to traditional pipe piles. The pile is driven into the ground using a pile driver, and the pre-bored holes are filled with grout or concrete as the pile is driven deeper. The grout or concrete provides additional support and stability to the pile, reducing the risk of pile buckling or deformation.

Steel Pipe Piles with Steel Sleeves
Steel pipe piles with steel sleeves are another option for soft ground conditions. These piles are made of steel and have steel sleeves attached to the pile shaft. The steel sleeves act as a reinforcement, providing additional support and stability to the pile.

The installation process for steel pipe piles with steel sleeves is similar to traditional pipe piles. The pile is driven into the ground using a pile driver, and the steel sleeves are attached to the pile shaft as the pile is driven deeper. The steel sleeves provide additional support and stability to the pile, reducing the risk of pile buckling or deformation.

Concrete-Filled Steel Pipe Piles
Concrete-filled steel pipe piles are another option for soft ground conditions. These piles are made of steel and are filled with concrete. The concrete provides additional support and stability to the pile, reducing the risk of pile buckling or deformation.

The installation process for concrete-filled steel pipe piles is similar to traditional pipe piles. The pile is driven into the ground using a pile driver, and the pile is filled with concrete as the pile is driven deeper. The concrete provides additional support and stability to the pile, reducing the risk of pile buckling or deformation.


Kesimpulannya, there are several pipe pile methods available that are appropriate for soft ground conditions. These methods are designed to minimize the risk of pile buckling or deformation and provide a strong and stable foundation for the structure being built. Steel pipe piles with helical plates, steel pipe piles with pre-bored holes, steel pipe piles with steel sleeves, and concrete-filled steel pipe piles are all viable options for soft ground conditions. The choice of method will depend on the specific soil conditions and the requirements of the structure being built. It is important to consult with a qualified engineer to determine the most appropriate pipe pile method for a given project.